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Christmas List

by | Dec 23, 2021 | Devotionals, Uncategorized | 12 comments

I remember the senior choir used to sing a song with the chorus “woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus…” They sang it loud, offbeat, and out of tune, but they sang it anyway! I woke up this morning with my mind on my list of things I needed to get done. I could not have truthfully sung that song! There were things I needed to get done before the great shutdown of Christmas Day. I ran through my head all the things: pick up prescriptions from the pharmacy, go to the grocery store, but make a list before going and decide what you are actually going to cook for Christmas dinner so you can make the list, wrap a few presents so you won’t have to do them at the last minute, you are out of cream, call the vet, send those last emails so that people would know that you’re checking out for a bit, run by the bank, etc., etc., etc.

The funny thing is, just a few weeks ago, when I went to the store to get baskets to organize my pantry, I was overwhelmed by people filling their carts, long lines, and reckless drivers. Right then I promised myself that that would not be me!! It was just too much. And I thought “these people aren’t even thinking about Jesus!” I would not be like those strangers who I had clearly judged. Now, three weeks later, I was doing a little too much. It wasn’t that I was rushing the stores filling my carts (that’s what Amazon is for! Ha!), but somehow I realized that my promise to myself had slowly slipped away. I was focused on my list and not on my Savior. I hope you get that I’m not saying that all the stuff is wrong. It’s fine if you want to decorate your home or get a gift for someone. I am suggesting that sometimes our focus and our energy can be misplaced. 

I’ve listened to the story of the birth of Jesus many, many times. And after our pastor’s message on Sunday, I thought about how one unusual star caused those wise men to stop everything they were doing and follow it. For them, that star was so significant that it superseded every routine and anything that they had planned for the next couple of years. Their focus was on following the star. Then the star led them to the King! Where is Jesus leading you that you may not see because, like me, your mind is on a list? It may not be a list for you. Maybe you are thinking about the horrors of the past couple of years, or the presents that you couldn’t purchase, or loved ones who are not here anymore, or that you don’t have enough whatever. Or maybe you are thinking about the 50% off sale or that you need a new pair of boots or that you need to “fill in your own blank”.  All are legitimate thoughts. But what if we did like the wise men and let Jesus lead us to himself? 

Well, instead of jumping in the car, I sat down, prayed a little, and had coffee. I put my mind back on Jesus! Why was I even trying to think without coffee, anyway! And though that doesn’t work for the chorus of the song, it works for life. I still have a list, but I also have perspective. It all doesn’t seem so urgent. You will still have the loss, but Jesus can provide Comfort. You may not have been able to purchase the presents you wanted to, but Jesus removes guilt. It may have been a rough couple of years, but Jesus provides hope. So wake up tomorrow, Christmas Day, and every day with your mind on Jesus. Then everything else has a different priority. Merry Christmas, my friends!

After this interview, the wise men went their way. And the star they had seen in the east guided them to Bethlehem. It went ahead of them and stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were filled with joy!  Matt 12:9 & 10 NLT


  1. Addie Purvis

    LOVE THIS! JESUS is the REASON for the SEASON! 🙏🏽❤️🎄🎁

    • TCKenchen

      Amen, Ms. Addie!

  2. Pastor B

    Thanks Tara, I found myself refocusing all during this time. I am so glad Holy Spirit let’s me know the true gift is JESUS. It is Jesus all the time. Thank you for the encouragements you have given me throughout the year through the word of God and your testimonies. You are a blessing to me and so many others. I pray the gifts of the Holy Spirit continue to grow in you and your love ones, in Jesus name. Amen

    • TCKenchen

      Thanks for sharing Pastor B. I agree that it is Jesus all the time. Appreciate your words of encouragement!

  3. Tracy Bell

    I love this! Thank you for reminding us to center ourselves in Jesus! He is the Star of the Christmas season!

    • TCKenchen

      Thanks Tracy. Jesus is the Star of Christmas!

  4. HELEN_BANKS true. Our true focus should be on Jesus.

    • TCKenchen

      Agreed Ms. Helen. Jesus should be our true focus!

  5. Fuller

    Thank you♥️💜♥️🙇🏻‍♀️

    • TCKenchen

      Thanks Fuller!

  6. stan

    all that you have going you take the time to remind us what is really important.

    • TCKenchen

      Thanks Pops! Definitely reminding myself also!