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Let’s Pray Together

by | Apr 3, 2020 | Let Us Pray

January 3, 2020

Father, we do love you and we are thankful that you have called us your own. We give you praise for always being present. You never abandon us. You never walk away from us and so we want to thank you. Right now, we take a deep breath and we say “thank you”. 

Today Lord, we pray about our finances and our financial situations. First, we ask you to forgive us for any way in which we have made unwise decisions with our money. Forgive us for the times we have been careless. Forgive us if at any point we have sought money instead of you. We say today that we trust you and we do believe that if we seek first your kingdom and your righteousness then you will add to us all things. 

So Lord, for those who need a fresh start we ask that you would move in those situations. If there is great debt, we pray that you would give wisdom and plans about how to get from under the burden of debt. Thank you that you came to set the captives free and we declare freedom for those who are bound by debt. Spirit of God move on our behalf and break the yoke of debt! And help us to be wise in our habits and disciplined in our spending. And where we have found our value in our things, let us be reminded that our value is in you. Where we have been concerned about our image, let us remember that we are created in your image and that neither man nor money is our god. You are our God! 

In the cases where increased earning is needed, we pray that you would open a door.  In this season, we declare  elevation, promotion, raises, bonuses, new ideas, entrepreneurial favor and new jobs! We thank you for new clients, new investors, and favor with appropriate people at the appropriate time. We call forth lost or stolen inheritances! We say that we will be the people who are positioned to lend and not borrow! We will be the people who will give out of the abundance of our storehouses! And for those who are already operating in abundance, we declare that even the abundance would multiply, so that more people can be impacted!

Now Lord that we are free to move forward, we come against every destructive attack of the enemy. We stand against lack, unbelief, poverty and poverty mentality in Jesus name! Together we stand against anxiety, depression, striving, and distress associated with money. In Jesus name, we come against headaches, ulcers, insomnia, and agitation brought on as a result of worrying about money. We say that these your people, will not lack, but they will walk in great abundance!

And Lord, let us never be selfish or miserly. Let us be wise, but generous on every occasion. Let us never be tricked, manipulated, or coerced to give by man or religion, but let us always be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s prompting so that we sow in good ground. And as we give, we declare that men will give into our bosom – pressed down, shaken together and overflowing! Father we praise you for always meeting us where we are! Kingdom of God come and will of God be done in our finances! In Jesus name! Amen!