Live Unapologetically Free

No Charge

by | May 9, 2021 | Devotionals | 18 comments

written by Armeer G. Kenchen

I was really young when Shirley Caesar’s song No Charge came out. Really young. But I still remember the song and can recite many of the verses even to this day. I remember it well because my mother used to sing it so often. For those of you who don’t know the song, it was about a mother’s response to her son. He had listed all of the things he did for his mom around the house, coming up with a price for each one of them. His mother listened to him and then listed all of her motherly sacrifices – each one far more important and costly, letting the son know that there was no charge to him for any of these things. Always full of what I would call “her loving sarcasm” my mother would sing some of the lyrics to my sister and me – “For the nine months I carried you, holding you inside me – no charge. For the nights I sat up with you doctored you and prayed for you – no charge.”  I was young at that time, but I’m sure that I was already taking my mother for granted for many of the sacrifices she made as a single mom trying to raise two kids on her own. Never one to miss an opportunity at her special brand of sarcasm, my mother would sing that song to my sister and me every chance she got.

We would laugh whenever my mother did this. However, I think we always understood the point she was trying to make and tried hard not to take her for granted. Now that she’s no longer here – having fallen victim to COVID-19 – we really appreciate the lesson that we learned from her as she tried to sound like “the great Shirley Caesar” in singing those lyrics. We made sure to give her flowers – while she was living. We took time to be there for her – when she needed us and when she didn’t. And we were at her side as she fought and defeated cancer. We didn’t do this to repay a debt, but because we loved her. If she were with us today, I think she would be pleased. If your mother is with you today, I would ask you to be even more intentional about showing her your love. Not just today, but each and every day.

There’s a deeper meaning, though, to the song and all of what we have learned. God has given us so much more than any one person can give us. First, He’s given us salvation. Because of this, we have eternal life. Because of Him, we have abundant life. And because of Him, we have His grace and mercy, and so much more. Personally, He also gave me a mother for the first 50 years of my life. He gave me a wife who may arguably be the best mother to ever walk the earth, He gave me “a whole four other mothers” (MaMa Anne, Big Mama, Mommy Pat, and Mother Daphne), a great family, and a host of really incredible friends. All of this at no charge. And even in this – as He always does – He went many steps further. Not only was it at no charge, but it was also totally and completely undeserved. And, in case I ever try to boast, it was totally and completely unattainable for me to do on my own. It took Jesus’ blood and righteousness. All at no charge.

So, on this mother’s day, I am reminded of all of the things that are really important. Many of these, I learned from my mother. I will use these lessons to try to love with a mother’s love, which I later learned is a love that only comes from God. Freely I have received, so freely I will give. To all of the mothers out there who have taught this lesson for so many years, I wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day!


  1. Ida C Freeman

    This was so heartwarming! I read it with tears of joy, love and deep adoration for Armeer’s Mom and so many Moms in this world who have shaped and molded the tender lives of children. It is an honor for me to love a child and see that love reciprocated and returned to me so sweetly in obedience, love and kindness. I love you to life Armeer, now and always! Big Mama♥️

    • TCKenchen

      Love you too! And thanks for the many examples you’ve given me along the way.

  2. Teresa Avent

    My sincerest condolences to you and the family, Armeer. Thank you for such a beautiful reminder you have left with us! Yesterday was certainly an overcoming day for a great deal of people including myself. I am reminded of God’s unmerited favor in the most difficult times we face.

    Thank you Father God! NO CHARGE!

    • TCKenchen

      Thanks, Teresa. Yes, it’s those reminders that help sustain us and keep us moving forward!

  3. Jynel

    I love this.. thank you for the heartfelt wisdom shared.

    • TCKenchen

      Thanks, Jynel. It’s good that we can encourage each other.

  4. Felicia Waugh

    Awe…so sweet and endearing! I do love that song. Thank you so much Armeer for this Mother’s Day Blessing and being a brother to me and Uncle to Amani…. a big part of our family. 💕

    • TCKenchen

      Thanks Felicia! I’m glad it was a blessing. Also glad to be a part of the family as you and Amani are also such a big part of our family!

  5. Stan Jones

    Thanks for sharing. Mothers are so special. Glad that Armeer had such a long time to appreciate his mom. My mother has been gone 56 years but I can still remember the good times we shared. Continue to encourage those that don’t appreciate a living mother.

    • Armeer

      Thanks for sharing that, Pastor Stan. it’s so great to reflect on all of the good times. Also reminds us to appreciate all of the good currently in our lives.

  6. Robin Innes

    Thank you for the great reflection. Peace be with you.

    • Armeer

      Thanks, Robin.

  7. Addie Purvis

    L O V E T H I S !!!!
    Thanks for sharing that heartwarming encouragement/reminder. So very true. NO CHARGE!!!

    • Armeer

      Thanks, Ms. Addie. I’m glad it was encouraging.

  8. Helen Banks

    Amen! Thanks Armeer.

  9. Susan Clark

    Very well put. Simply Beautiful 🥰

  10. Keisha McNeil

    This blows me away….I am blessed by this message. You are encouraging me to do more for my Momma and all my the mothers God has blessed me with. Thank you!

  11. Tracy Bell

    What a powerful piece and a great tribute to your precious mother. I love the mention of your beautiful wife and the many mothers in your life. Thank you for writing this excellent reminder of the Father’s love for us!