Live Unapologetically Free


by | Feb 23, 2021 | Devotionals | 22 comments

I was not prepared for the cold weather, but I would head out anyway. After all, it was the ocean and while I could hear the crashing of the waves and see them roll to the shore from the balcony, I wanted to get as close as I could. I wanted to stand on the edge of the shore and watch for Jesus to come walking on the water! LOL! So I threw on a t-shirt, a hoodie, a coat, grabbed those gloves that had been in the glove compartment of my car for years, and I braved the cold wind. As my feet hit the sand, I tapped play on the “Giant Slayer” playlist that a friend sent me. I was thankful for this playlist because right now it looked like not one big giant in front of me, but several big giants all around me. I was surrounded! Those giants were everywhere I looked! So I walked, head mostly down to keep my face from becoming a popsicle, pausing from time to time to admire the shells that had washed up on the shore. Most of them were broken, cracked, or chipped with no indication of their original state or purpose. I searched to find a shell that was whole. Even the ones I found which were almost whole had some chips, holes, or scratches. Much like people, I thought to myself… washed up, broken, and in pieces until Jesus rescues us.  After mulling around for a few seconds, I continued to walk heading to I don’t know where.

Finally, I sat down on the steps of some unknown place and took a deep breath as I thought about what I wanted to say to the Lord. All the “things” ran through my mind and my heart. You know them! Your things may be similar to my things or altogether different, but you know those “things.” Sitting there, it seemed as if I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. I watched the waves as Israel sang “I’m finally letting go, I’m finally letting go, hands in the air, let your love take over. I need a miracle, I need a miracle…” I DID need a miracle!! In my mind, I needed several miracles. There were no practical solutions to my current challenges… no identifiable way out of the place where I found myself. I sighed again. Then I said aloud what my inside already knew. “Lord, I have practical solutions. I can’t fix this. I’m asking you to do what only you can do.” Then Israel’s solo became a duet as I sang, ”Down on my knees, Jesus, I surrender.” 

Here’s the thing. As far as I knew, I had always surrendered to God’s way to handle the challenges, but this was something different. Now, I surrendered to the fact that the ONLY solution to the challenges was God. And somehow, because I couldn’t do anything, I felt some relief. Then the clouds rolled back and I saw the Atlantic open like the Red Sea!!! NOT!!! As a matter of fact, there was no tangible change at that moment. Still giants. But now my vision was a little different.

When Elisha and his servant were surrounded by the Syrian army which intended to capture Elisha, there were no practical solutions to their challenge. There was no way out. Elisha prayed. With that prayer, the servant’s eyes were opened to see the chariots of fire that were on his side, the enemy’s eyes were blinded from seeing the servant of God who they intended to take, and the Lord provided an escape. Sometimes having no practical solution is not a lack of faith, but a lack of sight. Though the enemy army surrounded Elisha, God surrounded the enemy army.

So today, if you find yourself surrounded by giants or by enemy armies or by all of the “things” with no practical solutions to the challenges you face, first surrender, and then do like Elisha: Pray. The Lord will open your eyes to see what He sees. He will keep the enemy from capturing you. And He will provide a way of escape.

Then Elisha prayed and said, “O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.” So the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 2 Kings 6:17


  1. Ida

    I read and many times reread your articles. They are so good and so relevant. So good in fact, I wish they were (the many more) in a book! So the kind of encouragement I receive when I read them, I will have them right at my fingertips. So many women and men will be blessed and encouraged through your lens. I see a Book in you! Many books to share in the Kingdom of God and in this world is waiting to be published in you! So start compiling and get this published!

    • Natisha

      That’s what I said Ida. Lol!!! Tara, that was awesome!!! Your descriptive details made me feel as though I was walking on the sand with you and listening to those same waves. #VeryGood

      • TCKenchen

        Thanks Natisha! Yes, you have been talking about the book for a couple of years now! Yall keep praying for me! I am listening.

    • TCKenchen

      Thanks Ms. Ida. I’m glad you find this relevant. I’m speechless. Keep praying for me!

    • KD

      Absolutely Ms. Ida! I believe the same thing…. books…. I am thankful for this letter of encouragement.

      • TCKenchen

        Hi KD, I’m happy this was encouraging. And thanks for encouraging agreement with Ms. Ida!

  2. Charles Everett

    Thank you!

    • TCKenchen

      Thank you Charles for reading. I appreciate you.

  3. Deborah Poole

    Thank you Tara for sharing your heart,thoughts, and raw emotions while linking the Word up with it. Nothing blesses more than a pure heart of transparency with a poetic twist. Keep on doing what your doing and as you’re doing it. It encourages us all. Stay Blessed!

    • TCKenchen

      Thanks Deborah for your kind words. We ALL need encouragement so I’m glad these thoughts do that.

  4. Addie Bogues Purvis

    Thanks Tara for sharing!! AWESOME ENCOURAGING WORDS!! Love you!

    • TCKenchen

      Great to hear from you Ms. Addie and glad you go something out of the post! Love you too!

  5. Daphne Morgan

    Thank you Tara for such a vivid description of God’s presence in our lives and the encouraging message through”your eyes only. Be blesses.

    • TCKenchen

      Thanks Daphne. We do need to be conscious of God’s presence.

  6. pop

    these thirty plus years that I have known you, you have been such a blessing to so many. your heart represents many challenges that we all are faced with. keep sharing. we need to hear what’s real. love you.

    • TCKenchen

      It’s been thirty years! Thanks Pop for your encouragement. Pray that I can share in a way that is helpful. Love you too!

  7. Helen Banks

    I agree with Mrs. IDA. Continue sharing the word that God puts in your heart. Love you.

    • TCKenchen

      Thanks Ms. Helen! I will.

  8. Evainia jones

    Thank you Tara for sharing those inner thoughts and feelings we all have. Just when we slay one giant – there seems to be many more. But you know – when we read your blog we are encouraged and reminded that our God is faithful, great and mighty. I have been waiting to hear from Jesus through what He says to you – for us.

    • TCKenchen

      I appreciate you sharing your thoughts Evainia. Thankfully, the Lord helps us to slay all of those giants. And thanks for your encouragement to share the Word. I’m glad it’s helpful.

  9. Marion Williams

    Thank you for sharing. So many of us feel surrounded by those giants, but yes, God is the only answer. I’m encouraged; thank you.

    • TCKenchen

      Thanks for reading Marion. I agree that God is the only answer! Happy this was encouraging.