Unapologetically Free

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Let’s Pray Together

March 12, 2020 Father, first we praise You! We are thankful that you are mindful of us! In the midst of Corona virus and the death, disruption, and chaos that are accompanying it we seek you! We ask that you would protect your people.  Just like the psalmist, we...

Let’s Pray Together

March 10, 2020 Let’s Pray TOGETHER… Father, we love you so much! We give you praise for who You are. Even in our current circumstances You are still worthy because You are consistent. You  are consistently amazing, consistently wonderful, and consistently mighty....

Let’s Pray Together

February 6, 2020 Lord, we give you praise this morning! This is the day that you have made so regardless of our current situations, we will rejoice. So just as an act of that, no matter where we are and no matter what we are doing, we say aloud or as a whisper “Thank...